
Here you can find out all about my services as a pianist, classical music educator and entrepreneur in Spanish cultural tourism.

Are you looking for someone to introduce you to the works of classical music? Then you've come to the right place! In my online education program Exploring musical works I invite you to explore the beauty and depth of classical music and to understand its cultural and historical context. I am also at your disposal as a personal piano teacher.



Treat yourself and your friends to a private online session about a piece of music that interests you!

Concert introduction

Let's get to know the musical program items before your concert visit!

Piano lessons

Here the game with white and black keys becomes an adventure for you!

About me

A pianist and classical music explainer with a love of art, exciting stories and my Wendl & Lung grand piano. After completing a wide range of basic musical studies in Hanover, I spent five years working and studying in Vienna. Caught by the Spain bug, I ended up in the Andalusian university city of Granada, where I still live today and work as a freelance pianist and music mediator both online and offline.


By bank transfer

Gerhard Klassen

IBAN: ES57 1465 0100 97 1727442513



By Bizum:
+34 637 61 27 83

Musikwerke Abo

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* Monatspreis. Musikwerke erkunden Abo hat keine Mindestlaufzeit. Sollte Dich das Abo nicht überzeugen, kannst du es per E-Mail jeder Zeit kündigen (Mail an: info@gerhardklassen.com).